Welcome everyone to our site, here you can find all CodyCross answers for all groups and worlds. CodyCross is divided into worlds and some of them are: Planet Earth, Under the Sea, Inventions, Stations, Circus, Transport and Culinary Arts .. It is developed by Fanatee, a Brazilian application company. [us] Click on the required level pack in the list on this page and we will only open the correct CodyCross answers here.
Hesitation, being careful about proceeding
answer: Caution
Military gestures of respect given to servicemen
Attach it to your back and you can fly
Wife of King Henry II of England
Muslim holy period marked by prayer and abstinence
Person in charge of a starship and crew
Spanish hotel run by the government
Fast and close Brazilian dance
Survive longer than someone else
Moscow citadel, the seat of the Russian government
Headgear worn on a building site
Join CodyCross, a friendly alien who ended up on Earth due to an accident with his spaceship. He relies on his help to learn about our planet. Travel through time and space uncovering the history of our world and the great achievements of humanity through themed levels.