Words Answer

CodyCross Answers - Group 176 - Puzzle 3 Answers

CodyCross - All Answers

Welcome everyone to our site, here you can find all CodyCross answers for all groups and worlds. CodyCross is divided into worlds and some of them are: Planet Earth, Under the Sea, Inventions, Stations, Circus, Transport and Culinary Arts .. It is developed by Fanatee, a Brazilian application company. [us] Click on the required level pack in the list on this page and we will only open the correct CodyCross answers here.

Science of causes, especially of disease

Large deer, both male and female grow antlers

Trousers barely reaching below the knees

A 1969 western film starring John Wayne

Loser, beaten, destroyed

Kazuo __, British writer born in Nagasaki

Dragon-slaying patron of England

__ Development, TV show about the Bluth family

Ancient trade network connecting East and West

US Christmas singing activity, house to house

Edgar __, writer whose work deals with mystery

Eastern African river, starts in Ethiopian mountains

A place where research or planning is done

Greek god of wine, parties and theater

Humming social news site

Drink made for historic 1969 stroll

Placard holder in bikinis at fighting events

The bones in your body make up the __

__ dystrophy, disease causing tissue weakening


Large deer, both male and female grow antlers

Trousers barely reaching below the knees

A 1969 western film starring John Wayne

Loser, beaten, destroyed

Kazuo __, British writer born in Nagasaki

Dragon-slaying patron of England

__ Development, TV show about the Bluth family

Ancient trade network connecting East and West

US Christmas singing activity, house to house

Edgar __, writer whose work deals with mystery

__ bag, bedding when camping

A place where research or planning is done

Was once united with Czech Republic

Humming social news site

Drink made for historic 1969 stroll

Placard holder in bikinis at fighting events

The bones in your body make up the __

__ dystrophy, disease causing tissue weakening

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CodyCross Answers

Join CodyCross, a friendly alien who ended up on Earth due to an accident with his spaceship. He relies on his help to learn about our planet. Travel through time and space uncovering the history of our world and the great achievements of humanity through themed levels.

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