Words Answer

CodyCross Answers - Group 172 - Puzzle 5 Answers

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Welcome everyone to our site, here you can find all CodyCross answers for all groups and worlds. CodyCross is divided into worlds and some of them are: Planet Earth, Under the Sea, Inventions, Stations, Circus, Transport and Culinary Arts .. It is developed by Fanatee, a Brazilian application company. [us] Click on the required level pack in the list on this page and we will only open the correct CodyCross answers here.

Solvent molecules pass through a membrane by __

With Pharisees in the New Testament, opposed Jesus

Deviate away from the main topic

Upscale, fancy mineral water brand

Abominable __ is a SHIELD paranormal member

US city where the Gateway Arch can be found

Self-respect in speech and conduct

Behind the second to last defender in soccer

Chinese __ Rings, classic illusion trick

Quito is the capital of

British machine-gun used on the Western Front

Western European country; capital is Brussels

__ Hebdo, satirical magazine attacked in 2015

Alzheimer's __, degenerative disease of the brain

A rayon fabric that sounds thick

The __ Life of Henry VIII, post Boleyn beheading

Simpsons buff, beer spokesman

Eight-legged creatures, feared by many

Half-sized flute made in Italy

New __, place where Lord of the Rings was shot

The smallest State in the world

Boat sport using the wind to traverse

Bringing something to an end, conclusion

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Solvent molecules pass through a membrane by __

With Pharisees in the New Testament, opposed Jesus

Deviate away from the main topic

Upscale, fancy mineral water brand

Abominable __ is a SHIELD paranormal member

US city where the Gateway Arch can be found

Self-respect in speech and conduct

Behind the second to last defender in soccer

Chinese __ Rings, classic illusion trick

Eight-sided shape

British machine-gun used on the Western Front

Western European country; capital is Brussels

__ Hebdo, satirical magazine attacked in 2015

Alzheimer's __, degenerative disease of the brain

A rayon fabric that sounds thick

Operating a car

Simpsons buff, beer spokesman

Eight-legged creatures, feared by many

Half-sized flute made in Italy

New __, place where Lord of the Rings was shot

The smallest State in the world

Boat sport using the wind to traverse

Bringing something to an end, conclusion

Use @ to reply or do this on Twitter

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CodyCross Answers

Join CodyCross, a friendly alien who ended up on Earth due to an accident with his spaceship. He relies on his help to learn about our planet. Travel through time and space uncovering the history of our world and the great achievements of humanity through themed levels.

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